Join us in getting our hands dirty through this #jcandthetreefeedabee challenge! All you need to do is grow a plant from the seeds we will give you with each CD or Vinyl purchase! Share your progress on our hashtag for everyone to enjoy and the chance to win a special prize.
One of the plants we chose for our Australian East Coast family is called the Billy Button (Pycnosorus globosus). It was carefully selected because of abundance of flowers it gives in spring that bees and other insects absolutely love. We also wanted to find a native Australian plant that was hardy enough to encourage the people out there that are too busy or overwhelmed normally to have any kind of garden because let's be honest, maintaining a garden can be a lot of hard work!
The idea behind this is to help encourage and educate people to spend more time appreciating and in nature while also helping our precious wildlife.
Sowing Your Billy Button Seeds Sow in Spring, Summer or Autumn
Find a seeding tray, a few small pots and place in warm shaded position
Fill with soil from the ground or for best results a moist quality seed raising mix
Sow by pressing seeds beneath soil surface around 2.5cm (1 inch) deep.
Water immediately and continue watering every 1-2 days ensuring to keep evenly moist
After 1-3 weeks you should see the beginning of your Billy Button plants!
Transplant to final growing position of full sun or part shade in well-drained soil when 7cm.
This hardy native Australian perennial is found throughout much of NSW, QLD, VIC and SA. It's flowers are an unusual golden/yellow ball or globular flower head found on long stems above the foliage of woolly. These flowers are often found in dry flower arrangements with the plant giving an abundance of flowers from Spring to Summer and year-round in hot climates. Often found in coastal areas they are very frost and drought tolerant.
Suitable for full-sun - part-shade Moist but well-drained soil Does NOT tolerate acidic soil Suitable for pots (wide and deep) Dimensions: height 50-75cm width 50cm + Flowers from 12 weeks Attracts bees & insects Hardy and frost tolerant Excellent for cut flowers and drying Relatively pest and disease resistant but watch out for spider mites, snails and slugs
Further Care Information...
Can be left in deep and wide pots or plant out in garden/local area for more wildlife access. Suitable also in containers, hanging baskets, cottage gardens, or in rows or as mass plantings but ensure to leave at least 25cm free in all directions in your garden
In colder climates wait until danger of frost is over before sowing seeds.
Suits part shade to full sun.
Occasional watering only, don't allow soil to remain too wet
Avoid fertilisers that are not designed for Native Australian Plants
Mulch in the hotter months to help retain moisture